18.06.2020 • 

BRAINLIST INCLUDED! PLEASE HELP I AM NOT GOOD WITH WRITING THESE • Write a persuasive letter that includes TWO facts to support your argument and acknowledges the opposition.
• Include your information sources with correctly formatted in-text citations and follow the letter-writing format.
What You Need to Do:
 Choose a topic.
 Take a position on your topic. Take a side agreeing or disagreeing with the topic.
 Use 2 reasons to support your position on your topic.
 Write a letter about that topic, following a standard letter format.
 Include 2 facts and cite your sources.
 Acknowledge the opposing argument and disprove it.
Letter Format:
• First Paragraph: Introduction that explains background information about your topic.
• Second Paragraph: One sentence that explains your position on the topic (CLAIM).
• Third Paragraph: TWO facts with citations to support your position (SUPPORT).
• Fourth Paragraph: Acknowledge the opposing argument and argue against it.
• Fifth Paragraph: Your “Call to Action” Who You Are Writing To: You will address your letter to someone that needs convincing of your position.
example 1: Write a letter to your school board to convince them of year-round school.
example 2: Write a letter to your Coach to convince him of an earlier practice time.
 An Elected Official (Local leaders, Governor, Council members, Board Members, Congress, President, etc.)
 School Leaders (Principal, Assistant Principal, Board Members)
 Parents
 Coach

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