12.12.2020 • 

Can anyone review this fiction story I have to do for part of my finals it would really help ( it's pasted below) pls don't do free points I actually need to finish this tonight. “A new day a new story” is the saying Serena lived by, for her every day was a chance to be a new person and fix any past mistakes. She is now running from a past story that tries to add a new page every day which is what scares her, it isn’t a good story with a happy ending it’s one where the bad guys win and the good guys eventually fall to their power. She is driving home after a long week, a home where she feels safe, where she grew up and made amazing friends and met her high school sweetheart. Now she would have to face all of them and everything she did. But she didn’t have to worry about that tonight, tonight she got to feel comfort, warmth, and safety.
When she got to her parents’ house she was greeted with lots of hugs and food that her mom spent all day making it smelled like Thanksgiving and Christmas had exploded and made a third holiday full of childhood memories and warmth, unlike the cold and terrifying world she just left. She sat and caught up with what had happened since she left and how everyone had been, it had only been two years but it felt like a lifetime and a half since she had seen her family and felt this safe. The next day she woke up and went into the town to get a few things for her parents while they were sleeping. She saw the whole tow and everyone looked ecstatic for her to be back she didn’t know why, she had left them and not even said goodbye.

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