19.04.2021 • 

Can someone please give me some input about a DEJ that I had to write for English class? We are reading currently reading The Giver. In the book, The Giver, by Lois Lowry The protagonist, Jonas, faces inner struggles such as insecurity. An example of this is when Lily and Jonas are meeting, Gabe, one of the new children that their father is nurturing. “‘ And he has funny eyes like yours, Jonas!’ Jonas glared at her. He didn’t like that she mentioned his eyes,” (Lowry 25). In a society with almost no individuality, even the smallest things can have an effect on the minds of the people. In our world, being unique is celebrated. But in their world, the darker colored eyes represent sameness, while the paler eyes represent otherness. Although Jonas faces insecurity, it shows that even in their society, there is some diversity.

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