14.01.2021 • 

Can u please help make this sound better i am supposed to compare and contrst how culture shapes the heroes in Heart of a Samurai and Black Ships Before Troy this is my article so far
These are my similarities that have nothing to do with one another but are still important. First both articles occur over sea. Second, the stories have a goal to complete bye the end of the story. lastly those where some example of similarities
These are my other similarities that actually have something to do with one another. First they both of the protagonists are 13, they are men, and they are both heros. Second they both have struggles but manage to persevere in the end. Finally those were all of my similarities.
These are the differences. First one is a Greek mythology while the other is a Japanese legend• second one is a about to not judge other cultures while the other is a story the is supposed to explain history• Finally those were some differences about how their different cultures write stories.
These are the other differences. First he risked life and neck to save his friends by swimming to possible enemies and that shows that Japanese favors one who has no experience but risks their lives. On the contrary it shows that greek favore more experience even if they hide since he was trained by the best sword trainer and still hid as a girl. Those were the last differences I spotted.

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