01.11.2020 • 

Can you help me??? based of the Story called The Shape of a Girl - a play written as a monologue by Joan Macleod  choose one question and write a paragraph to one of the following questions Questions:
1. Does Braidie’s story accurately reflect your experience with the issue of bullying? Why or why not?

2.Did Braidie’s decision at the end of the play seem plausible? What finally convinced her to speak up? Was this a good solution to the problem? What is likely to happen next? What might happen to Sofie if no one intervenes?

3.How has media coverage of the tragedy influenced Braidie’s perception of events?

4.What are the long-term effects of bullying on the victim? What are the effects on the bully?

5.What makes some people bully others? Is this made clear in the play?

6.Does Braidie’s silence make her as guilty as Adrienne?

7. Discuss the symbolic significance of the setting, especially its proximity to the Blind Children’s Camp.

8.What systems, if any, does your school have in place to deal with this kind of problem? What other steps could be taken?

9.Some experts believe that the solution to the problem of bullying lies with the “bystanders”; students who are not being bullied themselves but see it happening. Is their role included in your school’s anti-bullying efforts?

10.Discuss the significance of the title of the play.

11.Is Braidie’s relationship with her mother a “normal” one? Why or why not?

12. Discuss any other high-profile crimes committed by youth against youth. Are these crimes increasing in frequency or severity?Are these incidents sensationalised in the media and if so, why?

The Assignment
1. Choose ONE question from the list above and respond to it in 1 to 2 well-developed paragraphs.

2. Next, find a visual that connects to your response. This visual should not be a literal association with the play but a symbolic association with it. In paragraph form, explain how this visual connects to your response. Include this visual along with your response from Step One to the discussion board. Remember to provide the URL for the visual. (Please use appropriate visual images only since you are in a school environment.)

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