17.03.2020 • 

Choose one of the organisms from the list below. The listed websites are suggestions as to where you can find information about each organism, but you may also use other websites or print resources for your research.
(Only pick one of the following)
• Zebra mussel

• Rabbits in Australia -

• Purple loosestrife

• Brushtail possum in New Zealand -
(Now answers them remember you only have to pick on of them dont do all of them)
As you are researching your organism, keep in mind the following questions. Use the space after each question to take notes during your research.

1. Where is this organism found?

2. How was this organism transported to its new ecosystem? Was it intentionally transported, and if so, for what reason?

3. Why is this organism able to spread so rapidly in its new ecosystem?

4. What is the effect of this organism on the ecosystem’s current food web?

5. Is this organism affecting the lives of humans? If so, how?

6. Are there any plans for controlling or removing this organism?

Use your research to write 3-5 well-constructed paragraphs that answer all of the questions. Your paper should be 1–1.5 pages long, double-spaced, using 12 pt. font. Make sure to list any sources you used in answering the questions (including the sources above, if used).

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