18.03.2020 • 

Civil Liberties Research Paper In this project you will write 2 papers that will be roughly 4 pages in length each in APA or MLA format (size 12 font, Times New Roman, double spaced). To complete these papers, you will choose a topic and write a paper in FAVOR OF and IN OPPOSITION to, that topic. You must use 6 total sources with 1 court case reference (Either Supreme or State Court). It is suggested that if you feel very strongly about a topic and either cannot or will not write a paper giving the opposing point of view, THEN CHOOSE A DIFFERENT TOPIC! Take time to carefully consider which topic you wish to choose and feel free to ask any questions regarding the topics. Remember, you must write a paper presenting both sides of the argument. The topics are the following: 1. Prayer in Public School 2. Capital Punishment 3. Euthanasia 4. Abortion 5. Individual Gun Ownership 6. Media Censorship (Print, Music, Film, & Television) 7. Affirmative Action 8. Hate Crimes 9. Is America in Moral Decline? 10. Same Sex Marriage 11. Is government dominated by big business? 12. Should drug use be decriminalized 13. Patriot Act 14. Search of personal places and items 15. Access by girls to sports “Title IX” 16. Student Rights vs. Citizen Rights 17. National Religion 18. National Language 19. Selective Service (Draft) 20. Corporal Punishment in Schools 21. Animal Rights 22. Freedom of the Internet 23. Right to be unhealthy 24. Cloning/ Genetic Engineering 25. Prisoner Rights 26. Rights of the Poor (Social Welfare programs) 27. Rights of illegal immigrants 28. Public option Healthcare 29. Gambling

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