18.03.2022 • 

Compare the endings of the "All Summer in a Day" short story and the short film. How is the ending of the short story different from the film?

Select all that apply. (SELECT MORE THAN ONE)

1)The story tells readers that something bad happened to Margot because there was silence behind the closet door. The film implies that Margot could have been struck by lightning and might not come out.

2)The story tells readers that the children let Margot out of the closet. The film leaves the audience in suspense as the children stare into the closet and Margot does not come out.

3)In the story, the children know they have done something wrong and feel ashamed about locking Margot in. The film depicts the same feeling of guilt but it is mainly shown through one boy's memory.

4)In the story, the children are distracted with the rain falling again, and they barely remember Margot. The film depicts the children hesitating and being annoyed at having to let Margot out.

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