24.02.2022 • 

Copy and complete the following table by filling in the last two columns Quotation/sentence 1. The fire rose up like a skyrocket. Figure of speech Comparison 2. My room is as messy as a garbage dump 3. Josias is a snake and I don't want to see him again. 4. The detective was the bloodhound who traced the thief. 5. The church spire peeped over the hill. 6. The storn bounced the small dinghy around 7. The moon walks the night in her orange shoes. 8. His fist was as big as a smoked ham. 9. In the experiment, the acid began to eat the plastic 10. The smoke ran up the rafters like a squirrel. 11. The raging sea took the lives of the fishermen 12. That teacher is as cold as ice. 13. She watched as opportunity walked out the door 14. He had a heart of stone, 15. Education is your gateway to Answers from 1 to 15 and give the Comparison

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