31.05.2021 • 

DATE 10. Our final exams ... at the end of the
1. Football is a popular sport. It .
school year.
in many countries in the world.

b) give
al plays
. Many movies ... in Hollywood every 11. Most people ... Norwegian in
3) are made
b) are spoken by
b) make

3. I often go to the library and ... some
books to read.
a) borrow
b) am borrowed by
. Our office ... the cleaning crew
every evening.

12. Our newspaper ... every morning
before eight o'clock.
a) is delivered
b) delivers
3. I... a shower after I come home
rom work.

bi take ken by
4. My classmate ... the answer to
question number six.
b) knows

b) is cleaned by
. The restaurant chef ... really
great food.
a) is cooked b
b) cooks
6. Millions of people ... in airplanes
every year.
a) are flown by
b ) fly

Sports fishermen ... fish in a river
near my home.
a) catch
b) are caught by
6. Cats ... mice. That's why we have
three cats on our farm.

. New year's Day ... on January
in most count
a) is celebrated
b) celebrates
. Sometimes my older sister ... me
with my homework.
b) helpsby

3) are eaten by
17. When my car breaks down, it
mechanics at the garage.
a) fixes
b) is fixed by

18. The animals at the zoo ... John, the
a) are fed by
b) feed
15- 16 = Good
14 or Less = Study More!

. He's a famous actor. He ..
all over the world.
a) is known
b) knows
17 - 18 = Excellent

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