08.02.2021 • 

Date: NAME: DNyla
Directions: Read each of the paragraphs below and label each sentence as either a topic
sentence (1), major supporting detail or example (2), or a minor supporting detail or example
(3). Write the number above the sentence. After you have labeled your sentences in the space
provided, choose the best concluding sentence (4) for the paragraph from the below three
choices. Circle the sentence that you think is the best fit and explain why you picked that one.
Remember a good concluding sentence closes the door of the paragraph.
Playing outside has many benefits. Playing outside gives you exposure to the
sun. Sun exposure is scientifically proven to cure seasonal depression. Playing
active games, such as basketball and tag, gets you moving, and can benefit your
physical health. Playing or running around outdoors helps relieve built up stress
and frustration can some one tell me what this is
69 points

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