14.02.2020 • 

Does My Head Look Big In This?
Randa Abdel-Fattah
A. Thinking About Does My Head Look Big In This?
Choose the best answer.
1. Amal's parents are originally from...
Da Turkey
Mc Palestine.
b. Egypt
Id Australia
2. Amal's friend Eileen is...
Da, Irish-Australian
c. Australian aboriginal.
b. Japanese-Australian.
Od Turkish-Australian.
3. Leila gets in trouble for...
a dating a boy
Do not wearing the hijab.
Ob going to a restaurant.
d. skipping school.
How does Simone try to lose weight?
O a. smoking cigarettes
c. inline skating
b. fasting during Ramadan
d. eating Middle Eastern food
6. Amal eventually decides to become...
a doctor.
Ic, a political activist.
b. a housewife.
d. a lawyer
6. At the end of the book, Josh gets together with...
Oa. Amal.
Ic. Simone
b. Yasmeen.
d. Tia.
7. What is the topic at the debate in which Amal takes part?
a. Should Australia be a republic?
b. Should young teenagers date?
c. Is the hijab acceptable dress?
d. Is Islam a violent religion?

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