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which sentence from the passage best supports the idea that supernovas are rarely seen in the milky way galaxy?
a supernova happens where there is a change in the core, or center, of a star.
b. but supernovas are difficult to see in our own milky way galaxy because dust blocks our view
adapted from what is a supernova?
by nasa
a supemova is the explosion of a star. it is the largest explosion
that takes place in space
where supernovas take place
supernovas are often seen in other galaxies. but supernovas are
dou to see in our own milky way galaxy because dust blocks
our vien in 1604 johannes kepler discovered the last observed
supernova in the milky way nasa's chandra telescope
discovered the remains of a more recent supernova it exploded
in the milky way more than a hundred years ago
how supernovas form
in 1604. johannes kepler discovered the last observed supernova in the milky way
d. for example, in 2008 a teenager discovered a supernova
a supemova happens where there is a change in the core, o
center of a stal. this change can occur in two different ways
the first type of supernova happens in dinary star systems
bing stats are to stars that orbit the same point one of the
stars steals matter trom its companion stat. eventually, that star
domates too much matter having too much matter causes
the stars to explode resulting in supemova the second type of
supernova cu ame end of a stars lieume. as the star runs
out of fuel some of its mass flows into its core eventually the
co s so heavy that cannot withstand ds own gravitational
toece the core collapses which results in the giant explosion of
why scientists study supernovas
m ova bums for only a shon penad of time, but it can tea
scentists a tot about the universe one kind of supernova has

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