22.12.2020 • 

Descriptive writing describe your friend coming from Dubai, in two paragraphs
note-this is supposed to be fictional writing you don't need to have an actual friend coming from Dubai, this is just pure fictional writing.

Suggested points /vocabulary to be kept in mind while describing a person.
• Height : tall, short, medium height

• Build: thin, underweight, plump, strong, sturdy, fat, overweight

• Hair : long, short, curly, black, brown, grey

• Eyes : dark, brown, big, small

• Complexion: dark, fair, wheatish, pale

• Other features: beard, moustache, bushy eyebrows, broken teeth, broad chin, thick lips, long face, etc.
• Special features: style of walking and talking, accent , birthmark, dress sense, etc.
• Appearance :good looking, charming, smart, handsome, beautiful, etc.
• Qualities : sincere, intelligent, diligent, warm, patient, soft spoken, selfish, kind, honest, innovative, confident, punctual, generous, etc.

Good Luck!

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