05.06.2020 • 

Directions: Identify the first author's source, point of view and supporting evidence. In the article
(author's name)
(begin with a verb like: argues, asserts, claims)
(author's last name)
supports their claim by (use a verb here such as: illustrating,
showing, rolling, explaining, demonstrating, describing)
Directions: Compare and contrast the second author's points of view and supporting evidence.
(in comparison, In contrast, On the other hand)
in the article
(second author's name)
(use a verb here such as: argues, asserts, claims, contends)
(second author's last name) supports their claim by (use a verb here such as: illustrating,
showing, telling, explaining, demonstrating, listing, describing)
Directions: Evaluate the claims of both authors
In evaluating these claims and their supporting evidence, I agree with
perspective because
Directions: Rewrite your paragraph here. Alternative option: Using supporting evidence from the primary
sources, choose the author you agree with most and explain why.

Directions: Identify the first author's source, point of view and supporting evidence.

In the art

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