31.03.2021 • 

Discussion Questions - City of Specters

1. How do you think fear of the regime drives citizens’ actions in North Korea? What happens to citizens if they disobey or displease the regime? How is the way you interact or comment on the government different from what takes place in North Korea?

2. In the short story, Gyeong-hee continues to keep the second curtains drawn, even after being told not to by a government official. Do you think she does this because she is brave? Why or why not? Do you think her behavior in the future will be different, now that she has been expelled from the capital?

3. In the text, the narrator explores how the citizens in North Korea all behave similarly loyal to the government. What are some negatives effects of mindlessly following the crowd? What happens if you don’t follow the crowd in North Korea? Describe a time when you followed the crowd for your own safety or well-being.

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