30.11.2020 • 

Distant stars are difficult to see, and planets in different star systems are impossible to see, even with advanced telescopes. How did the team determine the number of planets orbiting TRAPPIST-1? Group of answer choices

using a computer to measure small changes in the star's brightness

using a computer to monitor the planets' gravitational pull

using a computer to enhance images collected from telescopes

using a computer to measure the star moving due to planets' gravity

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Question 21 pts
Read the third paragraph of the article:

"Before this, if you wanted to study terrestrial planets, we had only four of them and they were all in our solar system," said lead author Michaël Gillon, a scientist at the University of Liège in Belgium. "Now we have seven Earth-sized planets to expand our understanding. Yes, we have the possibility to find water and life. But even if we don't, whatever we find will be super interesting."

What can be inferred from this paragraph?

Group of answer choices

Gillon believes the discovery of the planets will be valuable to scientific study even if they are not shown to support life.

Gillon is certain that if he can get more scientists interested in the planets they will be able to find proof of water and life there.

Gillon feels that if the planets he helped to discover cannot support life all the time he spent studying them will have been wasted.

Gillon was tired of studying terrestrial planets in our solar system because he had already learned everything about them.

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Question 31 pts
A year on our outermost planet, Neptune, lasts over 60,000 days. A year on the outermost planet of TRAPPIST-1 lasts just 20 days. What combination of ideas BEST explains this difference?

1. Neptune is moving very slowly.

2. TRAPPIST-1s gravity extends less far into space.

3. TRAPPIST-1s outermost planet is very small and light.

4. TRAPPIST-1s outermost planet is closer to it than Neptune is to the sun

Group of answer choices

2 and 4

1 and 3

1 and 4

2 and 3

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Question 41 pts
Read the paragraphs from the section "Checking Out TRAPPIST-1 From Chile.":

Last May, the scientists published that they had discovered three rocky bodies, named TRAPPIST-1b, -1c and -1d, orbiting the small star. Later, Gillon realized that the dip in brightness he thought came from 1d was actually caused by three planets all transiting at the same time.

Then, the team used the Spitzer Space Telescope, which offered an uninterrupted view of the TRAPPIST-1 system, for 20 days. They realized TRAPPIST-1 actually had seven planets, which were renamed TRAPPIST-1b through -h in order of their distance from the star.

Which idea is BEST supported by these paragraphs?

Group of answer choices

Scientists sometimes have to adjust their theories when further study provides them with more evidence.

The team was careless in its initial study of the rocky bodies surrounding TRAPPIST-1.

The current method being used to study planets as they transit their stars is ineffective.

It is very likely that further study of TRAPPIST-1 will show that there are even more planets around it.

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Question 51 pts
How are scientists able to determine the chemical makeup of the inner planets?
Group of answer choices

using computer analysis of observations of gravitational pull

using computer analysis of telescope images

using computer analysis of samples collected there

using computer analysis of chemical reactions taking place there

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Question 61 pts
Read the selection from the section "TRAPPIST-1 At The Center.":

TRAPPIST-1 is so cool that all seven of the bodies are bathed in just the right amount of warmth to hold liquid water.

The author uses the phrase "bathed in" to mean:

Group of answer choices

gently supplied with

roughly cleansed by

heavily restricted by

lightly rinsed with

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Question 71 pts
The idea that "An outside observer might think Venus and Mars are livable, while they are not" could BEST be used as evidence in support of what claim?
Group of answer choices

We don't know the full criteria for a livable planet.

Many rocky planets appear to be liveable.

Not all rocky planets are in the habitable zone.

Just because a planet is rocky doesn't mean it has water

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Question 81 pts
Read the paragraph from the section "Our Best Target For Finding ET.":

She also added that the very idea of a "habitable world" is purely theoretical. Scientists have only one source of data on habitable planets, and that is Earth. "We don't actually know the parameters that are needed for life on another world," Adams said.

Which phrase from the paragraph gives context for the meaning of the phrase "purely theoretical"?

Group of answer choices

don't actually know

also added that

habitable planets

needed for life

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