23.05.2021 • 

Do the following activities: Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

I 1 (be) a member of the local drama club since I was a child and I love it. This year we’re doing a musical, Fame! and it’s hard work. Yesterday, we 2 (rehearse) from six till ten at night! But while we 3 (sing) the last song, the director 4 (shout), ‘That’s terrible! Let’s do the whole song from the beginning.’ By the time we 5 (finish) it was half past ten and I had missed the last bus home. Fortunately, another member of the club 7 (drive) me home.

Tonight, we’re at the club again. I’m tired because we 8 (practise) our dance moves for hours. I 9 (not have) dinner when I get home later – I’m not hungry. I think I 10 (go) to bed at once. And I don’t think I 11 (get up) early tomorrow!

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the First or Second conditional.

1 If I (tell) her something, will she keep my secret?

2 If I were an explorer, I (go) to the Amazon.

3 If she (know) the answer, she would tell us.

4 He (go) on holiday if he has enough money.

5 We would play the piano better if we (practise) harder.

6 I (be) really happy if I get a telescope for my birthday.

7 If she (have) some free time, she would go hiking at weekends.

8 Their mum won’t let them watch TV if they (not do) their homework.

9 He (not be) tired if he goes to bed early tonight.

10 I (be) angry if he lied to me.

Choose the correct options.

1 At six o’clock yesterday evening, I watched / was watching TV in the living room.

2 They had / were having dinner when the phone rang.

3 It was a beautiful day. The birds sang / were singing and the sun shone / was shining.

4 Mum burned / was burning her hand while she was cooking.

5 While we slept / were sleeping, there was an earthquake.

6 She’s just / yet received a text from her best friend.

7 We’ve ever / never been abroad, but we’d love to go.

8 I’ve had my laptop for / since January.

9 Have you ever / for seen such a wonderful view before?

10 He’s fast. He’s never / already finished his homework.

11 It’s 11 o’clock, but Fred hasn’t got out of bed already / yet!

12 I’ve been at work since / just early this morning.

13 Why haven’t they arrived yet / already? What’s happened to them?

14 I’ve known my best friend for / since many years.

15 She isn’t here. She’s ever / just left the building.

Complete the sentences with will or going to and the words in brackets.

1 Do you feel cold? I (give) you my sweater.

2 (you / play) tennis with her on Saturday?

3 I think you (enjoy) the film tonight.

4 She hasn’t studied at all. She (fail) her exams.

5 I’m sure they (offer) her the job. She’s an excellent doctor.

6 ‘I don’t understand this exercise.’ ‘I (explain) it to you.’

7 They (invite) everybody to the party.

8 He’s driving too fast! He (crash) into that tree!

Complete the sentences with the correct form of used to and the verbs in brackets.

1 My family and I (live) in a village. It was boring.

2 Anna (not have) short hair, but she cut it last month.

3 Where (they / go) for their holidays every year?

4 I (hate) Maths, but this year it’s my favourite subject.

5 Dad (not work) at weekends, but now he does.

6 ‘Mary (have) her own shop.’ ‘Really? What (she / sell)?’

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