02.08.2019 • 

Essay: using details in writing just as details--stories, quotations, names, dates, incidents--make reading more interesting, so the use of details in your writing will make your writing better. here is your goal for this assignment: support a main idea with supporting details use one of the following topic sentences to write a well-developed paragraph of at least 150 words. supply the specific details or examples that support the topic sentence you choose. our dog is a nuisance to the neighbors. baby-sitting is an easy way to earn money. my younger sister or brother has an easier life than i did. taxation in america today is confiscatory. the christian does or does not have the right to strike. a guaranteed annual wage would destroy this country. many wild plants are edible. the metric system should, or should not, be imposed on americans. the millennium will provide perfect environment on this earth. a private school is preferable to a public school. inflation steals from older people who have saved money all their lives.

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