16.06.2021 • 

Essential Question for this unit: In what ways does Star Trek: The Next Generation (as a science fiction TV series) explore universal problems of humanity by setting them in a future context?

In what ways does Star Trek: The Next Generation represent a human ideal?

How does the form of a sci-fi television show communicate ideas to an audience?


• To explore how writers of science fiction shows communicate meaningfully to an audience.
• To identify and analyze what we can learn about ourselves and the human condition by watching science fiction.
• To consider and solve moral dilemmas by imagining them in the context of a science fiction show.

My goal is to be flexible and provide the opportunity for choice and creativity in terms of what you actually do to demonstrate your knowledge. You may work individually or in a group. Let's start with max 4 per group, but if your project calls for more, we can discuss.

You will be graded on:

Demonstrate knowledge of Star Trek's existential exploration -- 10 points
• You may explore existential questions that are different from the ones we saw explored in the episodes we saw, but you must be able to show that you understand the way that Star Trek explores these questions.

Creativity -- 10 points

Effort -- 10 points
• Equal participation if you are doing a group project
• Thoroughness if you are working individually

Presentation -- 10 points
• Plan to share some component of your project with the class

Reflection -- 10 points
• This will be your opportunity to explain the significance of your project's connection to Star Trek. I will send out a separate prompt.

• Political cartoon

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