16.01.2022 • 

Exercise II: Place a comma where necessary, CIRCLE any Phrases present, UNDERLINE any Dependent Clauses present, and BRACKET the Independent Clauses in the following sentence(s).
1. Without a paddle we could not use the canoe.
2. Unless Nubia manages to score another three goals we will lose this game.
3. After the explosion chaos erupted in the streets?
4. Brady took out the trash since I emptied the dishwasher.
5. If you continue to misbehave I will turn the car around.
6. As I walked home I saw a horrific car crash
7. On the morning of the trip Nic fainted unexpectedly
8. Waiting for her test results Ruby paced impatiently in front of the computer.
9. Harris curious and concerned
walked over to the scene of the crash to help?
10. I never drink coffee before bed because I know that I will not be able to sleep.

Exercise II: Place a comma where necessary, CIRCLE any Phrases present, UNDERLINE any

Dependent C

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