27.08.2019 • 

Exit ticket
1. the stage directions in paragraph 113 indicate that harry is -
a annoyed that his wife does not believe him
b panicked because the house has changed
c willing to buy a ticket back to earth
d depressed to see the wind has ruined the house
2. what do paragraphs 111 and 116 suggest about cora?
f she believes her husband has gone insane.
g she tries to stay calm so that tim won't be frightened.
h she does not see anything abnormal.
j she was the one who wanted to move to mars.
3. choose a line from paragraphs 102-119 that builds suspense. in at least 2 complete
sentences, describe how suspense is built in the line(s).
paragraph: _ _#
suspense is built in this paragraph by

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