07.05.2021 • 

Explain why Amundsen succeeded. Include at least two details from the text that support your inference about what led to his success. Race to Reach the South Pole: Scott vs. Amundsen by Alarik Fjelstad 1 In 1911, Englishman Robert Falcon Scott and Norwegian Roald Amundsen raced to reach the South Pole first. Scott, captain of the Terra Nova, had nearly made it to the South Pole seven years earlier. He was confident he would succeed this time. Scott publicly announced that he would be using the latest in technology: motor sleds. He recruited scientists, sailors, and even a paying guest who insisted on bringing ponies to the coldest place on Earth.
Amundsen worried that competitors might try to prevent his attempt to reach the South Pole. He refused to share his dream with anyone, including his shipmates. Amundsen finally told his men where they were going midway through the Atlantic. Though he told them they could quit, they decided to continue the journey with him. They were all veteran Arctic explorers trained to use skis and sled dogs. At this time, Amundsen sent Scott an unsettling telegram telling him he was on his way to Antarctica.
Both vessels landed in Antarctica in January of 1911, but Amundsen set up his base camp deep inland on ice, while Scott made camp at the shoreline. With expert planning, Amundsen and his crew arrived at the South Pole with sled dogs on December 15, 1911. Meanwhile, Scott’s motor sleds failed to work in the minus 40 degree Celsius cold, and the ponies died and were eaten by Scott’s crew. Scott arrived at the Pole 33 days after Amundsen and was shocked to find the Norwegian flag. Disillusioned and weak, Scott and his men died of starvation on the return trip, just 11 miles from their nearest supply station.

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