02.12.2021 • 

F451 essay on theme!! Can someone please write be a very good essay for F451! This is what he have to use for the essay ☟︎ Prompt: So far in your reading of the novel, you have come across many ideas that the author wants the reader to learn from the novel. Oftentimes, these ideas are called "themes." What is the one major theme or idea that the author puts forward in this novel? Be sure that your response includes an introductory paragraph with a thesis statement, 2 body paragraphs (8 sentences each) with a quote and MLA citation, and a conclusion. Please use direct quotes or examples from the novel to support your position. This is your first paper and should be 2 pages in length, double spaced.

You will be graded on:

Thesis statement (central focus of your argument that is supported with evidence)

Quote with embedded citation ex: (51, Bradbury)


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