18.01.2020 • 

Fast! 20 points
read the excerpt from between the silver and the ash.


i don't understand. she wanted to be a farmer. i don't. i want to go to college. i want to be a doctor. she knew that.


maybe you don't understand.


you're right. i don't understand. she gave me a farm. my dad's been trying to buy the harston farm for two years. for me to farm. i keep telling him i don't want to be a farmer, but he won't listen. and now the one person i thought understood me . .


well . . there's more than one thing you can do with a farm. you don't have to farm it.


right. what else can you do with a farm besides plow it and plant it and harvest it, over and over again? what can you do with a farm besides farm it?


sell it.

which is the best description of kenneth, based on this excerpt?

he is impatient with xavier for not understanding.
he is trying to convince xavier to sell the farm.
he quickly figures out xavier’s grandmother’s intentions.
he believes that xavier’s grandmother wanted xavier to farm.

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