31.07.2021 • 

Fill in the missing prepositions 41. She always agree everything he says
42. Are you acquainted the lady?
43. you will soon get accustomed English cooking
44. She is very angry me
45. I apologize keeping you waiting
46. The dog begged a piece of cake
47. does this belong you ?
48. she is always borrow money me
49.My cat is very fond fish
50. I'm very grateful her her help
51. The room was full ... people
52. I'm quiet different her
53. She insits coming
54. He is quiet incapable such a thing
55. I should like to be independent ... everyone
56. May I introduce you Miss Brown ?
57. I'm afraid this dog
58. Are you interested ... literature
59. She is very jealous ... her sister
60. Won't you joint ... the game ?
61. Clean air provides us a health supply of oxygen
62. I'm very sorry ... what I have dne
63. His son succeeded the throne
64. My hat is quite similar yours
65. I'm tired waiting for her
66. I'm so worried my sister who is ill
67. It is very bad you to eat so quickly
68. I'm not good ... tennis
69. My birthday is the first ... the month
70. This will come in very useful ... her

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