17.03.2020 • 

Fill in the missing word in the sentence. The universe appears to be ? using these words
accommodate to do a favor or service for someone; oblige
aislea narrow passage between sections of seats; a walkway
antonym arid
conservation protection and preservation
deceit misrepresentation; falseness
dexterous skillful
docile capable of being taught; easily led or managed
holy sacred; set apart
homonym a word which has the same pronunciation as another word but a different meaning and often different spelling
infiltrated having subtly penetrated or spread
infinite boundless; limitless
isle an island; especially a small one
obedient characterized by obeying commands or guidance
orient to locate or place; to discover the bearings of
psalmist one who writes psalms
raze to tear down or demolish
salvation the deliverance from sin and God's condemnation
saturation the condition of being unable to hold or contain more
slothful lazy; indolent; sluggish
sluggard a slothful, idle person
synonym a word which has the same meaning as another word
thesaurus a book of synonyms
undaunted fearless; not discouraged or disheartened
unity the state of being one; singleness
unyielding refusing to submit or surrender to another

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