10.06.2021 • 

FLVS 05.09 Question 1 Answer the following question according to formal grammatical rules. Which pronoun correctly completes the following sentence?

The student picked up own backpack and ran to math class.

A she or he
B their
C his or her
D its
Question 2(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)

Answer the following question according to formal grammatical rules.

Which pronoun correctly completes the following sentence?

Mom might figure out that we got into the cookie jar because of the crumbs on the floor and the counter, so we had better clean up.

A them
B it
C their
D mine
Question 3(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)

Answer the following question according to formal grammatical rules.

What is the antecedent for the pronoun "It" in the following passage?

The sixth-grade students liked volunteering their time to read to the elderly people in the hospital. It made them happy.

A Sixth-grade students
B Volunteering
C Time
D Hospital
Question 4(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)

Answer the following question according to formal grammatical rules.

Which of the following sentences corrects the pronoun errors in this sentence?

If a person wants to help their community, they should research opportunities.

A If a person wants to help their community, you should research opportunities.
B If you want to help your community, a person should research opportunities.
C If people want to help their community, they should research opportunities.
D If a person wants to help it, they should research opportunities.
Question 5(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)

Answer the following question according to formal grammatical rules.

Which of the following corrects the pronoun error in this passage?

The sixth-grade students liked volunteering their time to read to the elderly people in the hospital. It made them happy.

A The sixth-grade students liked volunteering his or her time to read to the elderly people in the hospital. It made them happy.
B The sixth-grade students liked volunteering their time to read to the elderly people in the hospital. It made the volunteers happy.
C The sixth-grade students liked volunteering their time to read to the elderly people in the hospital. They made them happy.
D The sixth-grade students liked volunteering their time to read to the elderly people in the hospital. Reading made them happy.
Question 6(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)

Answer the following question according to formal grammatical rules.

Which pronoun has an unclear antecedent in the following sentences?

The sixth-grade students liked volunteering their time to read to the elderly people in the hospital. It made them happy.

A Their
B It
C Them
D No unclear antecedents
Question 7(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)

Answer the following question according to formal grammatical rules.

What is the antecedent for the pronoun "they" in the following passage?

The bikes went through the hedges and the garage door, but they did not need many repairs.

A The bikes
B The hedges
C The garage door and the hedges
D The antecedent is unclear.
Question 8(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)

Answer the following question according to formal grammatical rules.

Choose the sentence that has pronoun agreement.

A] A person who does not brush their teeth may get cavities.
B With training, every pet can learn new tricks to please his owner.
C If everyone picked up the trash they see, you would make a difference.
D When the family saw the storm coming, they decided to take their picnic inside.
Question 9(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)

Answer the following question according to formal grammatical rules.

Which pronoun correctly completes this sentence?

When the summer starts, the town will open beaches.

A their
B its
C them
D our
Question 10(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)

Answer the following question according to formal grammatical rules.

Which of the following sentences contains a problem with pronoun agreement?

A When somebody tells you they will help you, you should believe them.
B The guide dogs help their owners to navigate in familiar and unfamiliar places.
C Each volunteer has his or her personal motivations for helping others.
D Kelly uses her tablet to help her communicate with people in the community.

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