16.10.2019 • 

Focused on how the family influences your health. in this assignment, you will interview an older family member about your family history, then create a powerpoint presentation of eight slides to showcase your findings.

before you begin your project, you must select a family member to interview.

step 1: the goal for this presentation is to provide information on your family’s history. therefore, you want to begin by composing a list of at least five open-ended questions—questions that require more than just a yes or no answer—for your interview.

an introductory slide with a title and your first and last name. in the title, you should indicate the family member you interviewed.
for example:

genealogical gossip with grandma kay
cody smith

slide 2: a slide with all of the questions that you asked during your interview
slides 3-7: at least five slides of information from your interview. each slide should contain one of the questions that you asked and what you discovered from your interviewee. you should format your findings into a proper paragraph of 5-8 sentences in length.
final slide: a slide in which you reflect on what you learned from your interview and how what you learned about your ancestors connects to your health today.

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