10.12.2019 • 

For each of the following statements, identify the assumption that would link
the claim to its support. use the following format to discover the assumption:
“because (support), therefore (claim), since (assumption), on account
of (backing), unless (reservation).”

1. grades should be abolished because they add stress to the learning
2. until you buy me a diamond, i won’t know that you love me!
3. everyone should read novels because they make us more understanding
of human foibles and frailties.
4. if we want to decrease gang violence, we should legalize drugs.
5. don’t get married if you believe that familiarity breeds contempt.
6. wifi should be available to everyone without cost since the internet has
become a vital part of our lives.
7. you must obey her because she is your mother.
8. because improving the educational system in this country is essential to
competing with the other industrialized nations, we need to equip all
classrooms with the latest computer technology.

answer all of them, and decide whether each of the statements would require a qualifier.

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