19.05.2020 • 

For the longest time, Mark wanted to buy a minibike. He imagined riding it up and down his crowded neighborhood, to the joy and delight of his friends. He didn't have much money; there were few employment opportunities available for a 12-year-old boy. But one day, the rain solved his problem.
One fine day, a huge torrent of rainstorms swept over Mark's neighborhood. As you know, after a heavy rain, worms tend to come out of the ground to seek the moisture. That was exactly what happened. Mark's house overlooked a muddy embankment, and hundreds of earthworms came to the surface after the rain.
Mark's buddy Tom had a bet in for him. Tom wagered that Mark would have to eat fifteen worms after a real good rain, while they were nice and juicy and alive. If Mark survived that, Tom would pay him 50 dollars.
So it went. Mark ate one worm, then another. By the time Mark had downed the fifteenth worm, Tom was already thinking about his lost allowance.
After the rainstorms had stopped, Mark went and bought an official Nordstrom minibike. He rode it in the mud and lived happily ever after.

How does the setting contribute to the story's resolution?

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