12.12.2020 • 

GRAMMAR 27 PASSIVE 2: AGENT 1 Rewrite each sentence using with or by. Do not change the meaning.
1 A friend gave Tina a lift to school.
Tina was given a liata school by a friend
2 Tom Smooth will play the part of Hamlet.
of Hamlet
3 They used a screwdriver to open the window.
The window
4 A team of archaeologists has found an ancient city,
An ancient city
5 A ball broke the classroom window.
The classroom window
6 A Japanese millionaire bought the painting.
The painting
7 Howard Carter discovered the tomb of Tutankhamun in 1922.
The tomb
8 Millions of people enjoy Susan's books.
Susan's books
9 Heavy traffic causes a lot of pollution.
A lot of pollution

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