27.07.2021 • 

HCCG These adverbs of time indicates future : tomorrow,today,later today, in ten
minutes in three hours, on Sunday,on Wednesday morning, next week/month, this
year,etc. But how do we express "future tense" in English? Let's study!
Simple Future Tense: Will
The formula of simple future tense is: will+the base form of the verb (will cook,will shop etc.) In negative formins
tead of using "will+not", we can simply say "won't". When we use "will"? We use it to express an action which is
likely to happen in the future. (Example: I will probably go with him./Perhaps she will come with us.) We use it to
express our opinions about the future.(Example: I believe that she will win the election./I hope that things will ge
better.) We use it to express our responses,decisions or suggestions which are formed at the time of speaking.
(Example: It is hot, I will open the window./I will have a cup of coffee, please.)
The following sentences are in simple future tense "will" form.Read the sentences and explain why briefly.
a) I don't think that people will live in another planet in the future.
b) Maybe we won't go out tonight.
c) Do you need a pen? I will go and get it.
d) In my opinion,she will break up with him soon.

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