23.04.2021 • 

Hello calling the world me: this is the kissing practice place to learn how to kiss your loved one or crush this is not check Kissi..n this is fr lips smakin lips together, Right amy

amy: Right *sputters amy*

me: calling all people who is that someone you want to kiss stand in line and kiss me and i will give a rating on your kissing if its bad i will give number and teach you how

random person in line: uhh what if my lips dont smac.k right

amy: dont worry jamie is here to teach right

me: right

first person raised hand

me: yes

person: what if im bad

me: come here

i press agents his lips
his eyes open wide 0-0

me: bleh what you eat for lunch good sir

person: sorry jamie

me: oh dont worry now next time you kis.s someone you will be ready

hands him my phonenumber

person: thankyou

me: no problem now go call your friends and say its kis.ss.ing time ight

person: sure

me: who is next

a girl raised her hand

i press agents her lips she was a perfect kis..ser

the girl: how was i

me: you dont need to call me miss u can already kiss

she *smiles*

more people raise there hand braily people do you need help kissing lma/o

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