02.07.2019 • 

These are just a few of the characteristics of the archetypal hero as it appears in religions, mythologies, and epics from around the world. · born in unusual circumstances (e.g., sometimes born in danger or born into royalty) · leaves family or land and lives with others · experiences an event, sometimes traumatic, that leads to the adventure or quest · has a special weapon that only he or she can wield · has supernatural · proves self many times while on the adventure · experiences atonement with a parent we find these elements in modern literature and culture in everything from the adventures of huckleberry finn to star wars and the lion king. what does the persistence of the archetypal hero say about our relationship to ancient cultures? a. modern societies have lost the ability to invent new stories and heroes for youth to admire. b. both cultures value the family unit and the son’s role in keeping it safe and secure. c. both cultures value independence, strength, and the passing down of values from parent to child. d. modern life does not involve as many truamatic events as ancient life.

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