17.02.2021 • 

Hello. I need to turn in some Socratic seminar questions. I didn't read the book though. The book is Great Expectations. Here are the questions: 1. Great Expectations has been labelled a “bildungsroman.” And it covers the formative years of Pip’s life. What is the most important thing Pip learns over the course of the text and how do you know?

2. Miss Havisham vs. Joe & Biddy. Magwitch vs. Compeyson; Pip vs. Himself: Explain Dickens’ attitude toward social class in Great Expectations.

3. Leaving out Estella, explain which character influences Pip the most in the novel along with evidence for support.

4. Be ready to talk about and have opinions on Joe, Biddy, Estella, Miss Havisham, Jaggers, Wemmick, Herbert, Dickens…

Each question requires in-depth thinking and analysis. Responses should answer the questions, but may also open doors to new questions. All responses must include specific textual evidence. Yes, quotes with page numbers so that we can follow along are required as well as your insightful commentary.

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