27.08.2021 • 

HELP ESSAY DUE BY FRIDAY 100 POINTS Part I: Directions for Your Essay
Research shows that the activities people engage in to keep healthy change as we age. Our gender, cultural
background, and socioeconomic status also affect what choices we make when we exercise,
You have taken a look at how age and gender affect exercise choices Now, explore how cultural background
may play into various physical activities. You will need to interview three people from different age groups and
cultural backgrounds to determine which of these factors have an effect on what physical activities they choose to participate in. You are not allowed to interview and of your family members. You will then need to come up with a thesis statement. Your thesis statement will depend on the questions and responses from your interviews. Sample thesis statements may be: "My research shows that people of (Culturr X) prefer playing soccer, while people of (Culture Y) prefer baseball" or "I have found that a person's culture has an impact on which physical activities individuals participate in to stay healthy" ORGANIZING YOUR ESSAY ACCORIDNG TO THE FOLLOWING GUIDELINES 1. your first paragraph should introduce your thesis statement. There are samples listed above. You can choose one of the two provide for you in the sample or make your own. 2.Interview person number one asking questions based around your thesis statement, and be sure to take notes on the person's response. Your second paragraph should include his slash her age and how active that person is. Be sure to include the responses from your notes during the interview of person number one. 3.Interview person number two asking questions based around your thesis statement, and be sure to take notes on the person's response. Your third paragraph should include his slash her age and how active that person is. Be sure to include the responses from your notes during the interview of person number two. 4. Interview person number three asking questions based around your thesis statement, and be sure to take notes on the person's response. Your fourth paragraph should include his slash her age and how active that person is. Be sure to include the responses from your notes during the interview of person number three. 5. The final paragraph should be a conclusion that ties in thesis statement together with the information from the three paragraphs in the body of your essay. Part 2: Creatinf Diversity in Physical Activity. it is important to include people of varying cultural backgrounds and ability levels and physical activity. Read like you to take some time to participate in a class discussion. Create and describe at least four ways to include someone of a diverse culture or ability level any specific physical activity or sport. Be specific about the type of person you are trying to include. Possible modifications can be made to the: Methods of communication during play, rules of the physical activity or sport, equipment, Playing area.

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