12.12.2020 • 

Help me do this plz Word formation. Use the word given to form a word that fits in the gap
When a vacancy for a senior (1) post comes up, there may (MANAGE)
be more than a thousand (2), so many corporations hire (APPLY)
(3) consultants to handle the selection process. (PROFESSION)
One team in Germany uses an unusual method for putting potential
(4) to the test: they get them to cook a meal together! (EMPLOY)
This way the process of (5) becomes a highly (RECRUIT)
(6) one because it demonstrates how a candidate (EFFECT)
performs under pressure when faced with a (7) task. (PRACTICE)
Human resource managers attend the sessions and assess the candidates'
(8) and communication skills. Cooking, they say, is an (ORGANISE)
ideal task since it allows for (9) contact with those they (PERSON)
are thinking of taking on, without creating a (10) (COMPETE)
environment, as participants must work together to create the menu.

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