09.03.2021 • 

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We’re racing to install wind and solar farms and get away from carbon-based energy, but we’re going to have a long-term problem because wind and solar energy have their own environmental issues.

Solar Panels

According to the Solar Energy Industries Association, the United States has more than 2 million solar installations. There is not much motivation to recycle solar panels though because it’s too expensive. So, there are piles of old, worn out solar panels in land fills, and in some places they are stacked in warehouses waiting for the day that it’s reasonable to recycle them.

Part of the problem is that solar panels themselves are becoming cheaper. The same report notes that since the panels are made with fewer precious materials, that makes recycling them less attractive.


Giant wind turbines are very popular, but the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) has said that they are the least energy producing renewable source. Also, they are the physically most difficult waste to deal with. The EPA has called every new wind farm a “towering promise of future wreckage.”

Electric Vehicle Batteries

Electric vehicles are another problem. Recycling their batteries costs three times more than their batteries are worth. Some companies, and some countries are finding ways to use old batteries, but that’s the EPA notes that just delays the disposal of those batteries.


Even though people buy “green products” with good intentions, that doesn’t change the fact that they are increasing problems for the future. Companies and creative people need to come up with ways to make sure sustainable energy is really sustainable.

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