06.05.2020 • 

Here is some other work for you to work on. Answer and send back to me. Grade 8 English Language Arts: Textual Evidence in Literature
Kevon was determined to pin Cameron’s arms to the ground, but Cameron was doing everything in
his power to keep that from happening. The fact that the two boys were tussling in an elevator didn’t help
Kevon’s plight at all. And his little sister’s screaming was disrupting his concentration.
“Oh my goodness! Would you two just stop it already? There’s not enough room in this tiny elevator for
you to fight,” Kelly screamed. “Could you at least wait until we get out of here?”
“Okay, okay! If you agree to stop that screaming, we’ll stop fighting,” Cameron said.
Kevon never thought he’d see the day when the school bully was taking orders from a little girl. He
wasn’t sure if he could trust Cameron’s word.
“I never thought I’d see the day Cameron Maines would let a girl tell him what to do,” he said.
“Dude, nobody tells me what to do,” Cameron said, pushing Kevon’s shoulder. “I stopped because I
have a little sister at home, and I never let her see me fight.”
“You mean your parents have more kids?” Kevon said. I’m going to have to teach Kelly how to defend
herself sooner than I anticipated, he thought.
“I just have one little sister, and we’re close,” Cameron said. “Kelly, I’m sorry for behaving this way in
front of you.”
“I never would have guessed you had any soft spots,” Kevon blurted out before he even realized it. “I
mean, you just don’t seem like you let people get close to you.”
Cameron sighed. “I am very close to my family. I don’t think people realize what it’s like to be me.”
“You mean what it’s like to be the strongest, tallest kid in the whole school?” Kevon laughed. “Do tell!”
“I have been the biggest, tallest person in school for as long as I can remember. People made fun of
me until I started standing up for myself,” Cameron said. “I wasn’t always mean. I just give people what
they expect.”
“You shouldn’t be mean to people because that’s what they expect,” Kelly chimed in. “You should just
be yourself.”
“Kelly, you’re a lot wiser than I give you credit for,” Kevon said.
“I have tried being nice to people before,” Cameron replied. “And I wound up eating lunch alone
anyway. People were afraid I was trying to play a joke on them.”
Wow, I had no clue Cameron felt that way, Kevon thought. Puts things in a different light. He doesn’t seem
so scary after all.
Just then the elevator doors creaked open.
“Are you kids okay?” a voice said.
“Yes, we are! Thank you so much for coming,” Kelly said.
“You must’ve been the one who called for help?”
“Wait, how did you call them?” Cameron said.
“I used the emergency phone in the elevator,” Kelly replied. “You two were so busy wrestling that you
missed it.”
“Wow, you really are just like my little sister Claire.” Cameron laughed. “You two would get along great.”
“You’ll have to introduce us sometime,” Kelly said.
“Well, I guess I will see you around school,” Cameron mumbled.
“Hey, do you want to go to the pizza parlor with us to grab a slice?” Kevon asked.
“Are you sure you want me to come with you?”
“I insist!” Kelly said. “You should also invite Claire.”
“That sounds like a great idea. We can compare notes on our bratty little sisters!” Kevon laughed. “Kevon!” Kelly screamed.
Cameron and Kevon looked at each other and laughed.

1. From the passage, the reader can tell that
A. Kevon will fight Cameron at the pizza parlor.
B. Kevon's little sister is very sharp.
C. The elevator people heard Kelly's screams.
D. Cameron is worried what Kevon thinks of him.

2. Which quote from the passage supports the idea that Cameron thinks highly of his sister Claire?
A. I'm going to have to teach Kelly how to defend sooner than I anticipated.
B. "Okay, okay! If you agree to stop that screaming, we'll stop fighting."
C. "I stopped because I have a little sister at home, and I never let her see me fight."
D. "Wow, you really are just like my little sister Claire."

3. What can be inferred from the evidence in the passage?
A. Cameron is afraid of Kevon.
B. Kelly and Kevon fight a lot.
C. Kelly is the smarter sibling.
D. Cameron is really a nice guy

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