23.01.2021 • 

Here is your goal for this assignment: Read sources and take notes for your Biblical report

You are now ready to take notes from the sources of information you found in the lesson "Report Writing: Researching." Write your notes on a set of three-by-five-inch cards. If you do not have note cards, cut enough paper into card-size pieces on which you can write your notes.

1. Begin reading your sources and taking notes. Find enough information to fill at least four note cards. You will need enough information to write a 400-word report. Use the note card format given in the lesson “Report Writing: Researching.”

2. When you are finished taking notes, use the list below to check your note cards.

Did you put your notes on cards?
Did you write only the main ideas on the cards?
Did you avoid writing in complete sentences?
Did you write the source of your information on each card?
Did you have your teacher check your notes?
Did you list complete Works Cited information for each source you used on three-by-five cards?

3. Type your notes as they appear on the cards; organize the notes according to card (ex. card 1 . . ., card 2 . . ., card 3 . . .).


Card 1

Jones, Samantha. All About Kangaroos. New York: Dell Publishing, 1990.
-- small kangaroos called wallabies (p.1)
-- large size called kangaroos (p. 1)

Card 2

Jones, Samantha. All About Kangaroos.
-- have long, large hind feet (p. 3)
-- have powerful tails (p. 3)
-- hop and leap far (p. 4)

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