11.03.2021 • 

Hey guys! here my story! its def not done yet Chapter 1
The pumpkin patch
One dark evening after she'd woken up from a nap, Lilly was taking a walk in a forest with her trusty knife, when all of a sudden something caught her eye. She decided to follow the gleaming light coming from the pumpkin patch that had never been there in all her walks in this forest for her entire life. She followed the gleaming light, while it was dark at night, yet she only had a small knife as protection, and nobody would be able to hear her screams because she was so deep into the forest. You know, despite all the 27 horror movies she'd seen up to this moment screaming at her not to go to the light because it always ends badly. As she moved closer to it she realized there was such a stench! It kept getting worse and worse until it was so unbearable she could barely breathe! And oh the buzzing! She had to stop for a moment just to pop her ears. Finally, when she was close enough, she realized to her surprise that the gleaming light was in fact coming from one of the pumpkins in the pumpkin patch. When she got close enough to touch it she took out her knife and felt the cold touch of its blade on her fingertips. She went to cut the glowing, rotting, pumpkin but before she could touch it, it completely blinded her and she fell right down into the mud, unfortunately in her brand new jeans. Then something spectacular happened, the other pumpkins started gleaming like the rotten one in the middle of the patch and the next thing she knew she was waking up somewhere completely different! A new world! She really did believe she was in a different world for a second, but then decided she was dreaming. After all, she was a smart, logical girl and she knew a lot about the tricky science of Oneirology. So she tried calling out “wake up” because yelling in a dream can help you wake up. That didn't work so she then tried blinking repeatedly as this also helps. That also did not wake her up, but she refused to go to her last resource; pinching yourself to wake up from a dream. After 3 minutes of arguing with herself, she had no choice but to pinch herself. It didn't work of course. Therefore, she thought she must be heavily asleep from when that pumpkin blinded her and she passed out. But wait! She then thought of the only logical reason that would explain everything, from the candy rock she was sitting on to the rotting, glowing, pumpkin in the forest.
Chapter 2
A walk down memory lane
Lilly decided that the only logical reason for what was happening was that she was still asleep! She thought to herself that she never woke up from her nap and was just in a deep dream state. But then why was she still in the dream? She had tried to wake herself up already; then she just shrugged it off because she figured she should just enjoy the dream. She questioned a lot of things anyways, so what was the harm in not questioning one thing for once? So she finally looked at her surroundings and was delighted! This supposed “dream” was full of her best memories and greatest dreams! Strangely enough there was a path in front of her; she decided to walk down it of course. As she started walking, every now and then she saw strangely sad memories, her scraping her knee, even a couple times when she had fallen out of a tree. She thought to herself it must be normal because it was her memories after all; after a little while she felt something- no someone, was watching her almost. Her reasoning for this was that she felt a weirdly heavy presence almost, then her thoughts were shattered. All of a sudden, she stopped short and did not continue to walk anymore, as the memory she saw brought back so many difficult emotions that she couldn't even think properly, let alone walk.
I think we're overdue for a backstory. Lilly was a small girl, with brown hair as dark as a black bear's hair and her skin a lovely olive tone which brought out her lovely bright sky blue eyes. She had lived in the woods for her whole life, and was extremely intelligent. She was only 13 years old, but she had the cleverness and IQ of a genius, if i may. She went hunting with her father every Sunday so they would have food for the week. Her life seems perfect, but it in fact was not. “Everyone has their sob story” she would always say to avoid talking about the one imperfect thing in her life. That one imperfect thing wasn't even bad, it was worse than bad, and that thing was that her mother was killed right in front of her when she was five. All that lilly can remember about her death is that it was the first and last time she left the woods. And that the reason for her mothers death was her own fault. She only remembers that one second they were walking on a street, the next her mother jumped in front of her and then, there was blood, so much blood. Her father has told her hundreds of times it wasn't her fault but lilly can be told otherwise.

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