05.12.2020 • 

Hey yall, I'm writing something for school about "1 thing awesome" I have this. Could you give me some critiques? When I was born, TVs were kind of in their “middle stage”. They were not quite to the point of 8k, 60fps 50 thousand dollar TVs. They were simpler. You sat down at night in front of the tv, turned it on, and watched something. No, it wasn’t perfect, they weren’t massive, and I’m sure the graphics weren’t too good, but there was a certain charm about it. Now almost everyone has a massive, fairly good tv, there’s a lot less of that vibe.
When I was younger I wasnt all that into tv watching. I liked to watch a couple animated series but I never really got into the idea of sitting down with my family and watching a show. Now that I think about it the shows I watched where’t too good, so it makes sense that I didnt really like it. Once I turned 11 me and my family got into watching netflix each night. For a long time my Mom and Dad picked the shows. But not a long time ago, around a month before I turned 12 me and my brother started to decide the shows together. Of course though, like all good things, it had to end. Call it sibling rivalries but we soon got very argumentative about about the types of shows we wanted to watch. We got to the point where my mom had to make a set of rules for who gets to pick each night. While my brother went for more of a magic style show I went for anything Marvel.
While I dont really have much experience with the TVs of when I was born, I think I can safely assume that TV’s, and technology in general, have come a long way sense then. From fairly bad TV’s tp the point where they are so good the human eye cant even perceive the difference. Yet, of course they still charge us more for it. I think that TVs are probably one of the best inventions if you take a moment to think about it. Humans found away to create pieces of melted sand that show moving images. I think that if we where able to get that far, the possibilities for what we could do in a couple more decades is amazing.

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