06.08.2021 • 

Hi! ❤️ id love some help out here Which version best uses a variety of sentence structures to enhance
the flow and writing style of a story?

1 As he sat on the curb in front of the school, Tico twirled a stick in his hand.
Aunt Maricel would be there soon. Tico felt nervous because he knew she
would ask about his trumpet, and he would have to explain everything.

2 Tico sat on the curb in front of the school, and because he felt nervous, he
twirled a stick in his hand. Aunt Maricel would be there soon, and since he
knew she would ask about his trumpet, he knew he would have to explain

3 As he sat on the curb in front of the school, Tico twirled a stick in his hand.
Because Aunt Maricel would be there soon, he felt nervous. Since he knew
she would ask about his trumpet, he knew he would have to explain

4 Tico sat on the curb in front of the school. He twirled a stick in his hand.
Aunt Maricel would be there soon. He felt nervous. He knew she would ask
about his trumpet. He would have to explain everything.

Hi! ❤️ id love some help out here

Which version best uses a variety of sentence structures to enh

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