26.09.2021 • 

Hi this is my English class work for paraphrasing it. Can somebody help me to paraphrasing?
Please paraphrasing it and check the sources

is it correct for APA format?

Razaee,S (2020, January 5). Advantage and Disadvantage of Technology, TechNation


"Technology saves our time by helping us to do our daily tasks faster and increase our intelligence. With technological machine, people are getting more help in every sector. It is very easy to get access to relevant information at any time anywhere. This is possible because of modern technologies like broadband internet, lots of data is being published and indexed online.

The use of technology in transport has made traveling fast and easy. Transportation is very important both in our lives and in the business world. Nowadays if we want to travel to other countries it has become very easy for us. In the past traveling was taking 2-3 days as compared to now it takes only a few hours from one destination to another.

About 35% of the population believes that technology affects the society, people’s mood, and actions in a negative way. As a result, people become lazier and they don’t feel the serious need to step outside of their home to find entertainment and fun such as spending time with friends."

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