25.07.2019 • 

How does strength show the ruder side of his nature? strength. everyman, i will thee also forsake and deny. thy game liketh me not at all. everyman. why, then ye will forsake me all? 810 sweet strength, tarry a little space. strength. nay, sir, by the rood of grace, i will hie me from thee fast, though thou weep till thy heart to-brast.° °burst everyman. ye would ever bide by me, ye said. 815 strength. yea, i have you far enough conveyed. ye be old enough, i understand, your pilgrimage to take on hand. i repent me that i hither came. everyman. strength, you to i am 820 to blame; yet, promise is debt, this ye well wot. strength in faith, i care not! thou art but a fool to complain. you spend your speech and waste your brain. go, thrust thee into the ground. (exit strength.)

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