17.10.2020 • 

How does this speech sound sofar... im not good at this Usually so Please, I need an honest opinion! "#SheCanSTEM.
She CAN S.T.E.M! This statement is 100% true because females CAN S.T.E.M! Just think about it!
Now before I start, I am NOT Doctrinare. I have 3 brothers and a father, and I love them dearly. If fact, im always hanging around my brother and my father and their friends, so im just saying us females need to be recogjised a little more.
We always talk about the men who have accomplished things... LincIon, Obama, Raphael, Vincent van Gogh, the list goes on, and on, and on-BUT! Us females need to take the spotlight from time to time, we cant just let the men hog it."

Thats what i have so far, im planning on adding females we dont regularly look upon... so yeah! Lmk if its good or not!

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