22.12.2020 • 

How is the first passage different from the second passage? Check all that apply. They use different characters.
The first passage uses dialogue.
They describe different scenes.
They use different points of view.
The second passage uses only narration.

Paragraph #1. “Who are you?” Greg hardly recognized his own voice.

“I’m Lemon Brown,” came the answer. “Who’re you?”

“Greg Ridley.”

“What you doing here?” The figure shuffled forward again, and Greg took a small step backward.

“Who are you?” Greg hardly recognized his own voice. “I’m Lemon Brown,” came the answer. “Who’re you?” “Greg Ridley.” “What you doing here?” The figure shuffled forward again, and Greg took a small step backward.

Paragraph #2. Greg turned, holding his breath, his eyes straining to see in the dark room.

The upper part of the figure before him was still in darkness. The lower half was in the dim rectangle of light that fell unevenly from the window. There were two feet, in cracked, dirty shoes from which rose legs that were wrapped in rags.

“Who are you?” Greg hardly recognized his own voice. “I’m Lemon Brown,” came the answer. “Who’re you?” “Greg Ridley.” “What you doing here?” The figure shuffled forward again, and Greg took a small step backward.

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