31.05.2021 • 

Human rights violation (4x1=L
1.2 Identify any FOUR form of human rights violation.
1.3 Differentiate between a right and obligation and give a clear example of ea
1.4 Identify and give a brief description of organisation's mission that addresse
discrimination and human rights violation.
1.5 From the organisation you mentioned above (1.4), evaluate the effectiver
of the project each organisation has been involved or engaged in. (3
1.6 Define media (2) and indicate FOUR of its importance in fair reporting of
gender based violation:
a) Victim
b) Community
1.7 Recommend THREE ways in which schools or communities can supp
campaigns that deal with discrimination and human rights violation.
1.8 Collect the relevant newspaper articles, data statistics or pictures to
information about discrimination and human rights violation.
loedoe all the sources you used.​

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