17.04.2021 • 

HUU Class comment "Well, I have my moments of courage," I said as I gently wrapped a strand of her brown curlyhair around my finger."Sometimes," Hannah said kindly. There was, however, a hint of passive-aggressiveness. I knew what she was getting at My Frida nights were usually taken up by dinners at my grandmother's home. I had come out as bi to my parents a year ago, but I hadn't told my grandma yet. There didn't seem to be any point, since up until now I didn't have much of a love life. That is, until there was Hannah. I hadn't yet introduced her to my grandmother, nor had I planned on doing so anytime soon. Passive-aggressive: to express dislike about something without saying it directly Based on the above paragraph answer the following questions. Your answer should be in 2-4 complete sentences. What is the main conflict in the story so far? Do you think Yasi should tell her grandmother about her relationship?​

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